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[Conversation] 오픽(Opic) 예상 질문 및 답변 모음

by dootiger 2014. 3. 4.

Tell me about your house

1)     There are two bedrooms, a kitchen and a living room in my house.  I live on the third floor of my building.  My second and first floor neighbors are coworkers; the building is for SDA staff only.  Daebang Station and a small military base are nearby.  My house is also close to my office, it’s only about a 4 minutes’ walk.   There is also a wonderful park about 5 minutes from my office and home.  I enjoy walking in the park in the evenings.



Tell me about yourself

2)     I am a pastor working at the Daebang SDA Samyook Language School.  I am married and have two children.  I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, but my job keeps me very busy.  In my spare time I often socialize with my coworkers.  I also enjoy exercising outdoors in the fresh air, and often go running, play badminton, and take trips to the countryside.  I enjoy horticulture and surround myself with growing plants.  I also dabble in fish breeding.  I am currently raising Fancy guppies. The strain I am raising has magnificent fan patterns and color.



Tell me about your company or office

3)     My office is on the second floor of the school.  I am surrounded by books, with bookshelves lining almost every wall.  One wall has a large aquarium, where I keep my breeding stock of fancy guppies.  I also have a smaller tank for the young fish. 

Every empty, flat surface in my office is covered with plants.  I have some succulents, but mostly favor flowering plants and bamboo.  The wall right above my desk is filled with schedules and work contact information, as is my desk.  There is a lot of paperwork associated with my job.



Where is the most famous area near your home?

4)     The most famous area near my home is Youido.  It is a small island most famous for the National Assembly Building and the 63 Building, one of the tallest buildings in Korea.  As the name implies, its top floor is the 63rd floor.  Youido also has one of the biggest churches in the world.  In the spring, the island is famous for its cherry blossom festival.  You can walk the perimeter of the island and be under a canopy of blossoms the entire time.  When the wind gusts the petals fall through the air like spring snow.



What is your duties at work?

5)     At my job, my duties fall into two main categories.  I have pastoral duties, and I am in charge of everyday business management, particularly those areas that involve the foreign staff.  I take care of the foreign teachers and make sure they have no difficulties acclimating to Korea.  I make the teaching schedules, and take care of a hundred other small details.  I am also a chaplain at this school.  I deliver sermons, organize and run religious clubs, and in other ways manage the spiritual wellbeing of my community.




If you have recently exprienced a problem, tell me about that.

6)     One time, a junior student’s mother complained about the refund policy at our school. She wanted to get a refund, but the deadline had passed.  She became verbally abuse and after awhile I lost my cool.  I have to admit that I yelled right back at her.  Eventually, she left, but then her husband called.  He yelled and cursed at me, so I hung up on him.  He called back several times, and every time he cursed I hung up.  Eventually he calmed down and we talked through the problem, but it was a very bad day.  Dealing with irate people is occasionally a part of my job, but sometimes my temper gets the best of me.



Tell me about a movie that you have recently seen.

7)     The movie I saw most recently was Perfume.  I didn’t really like the movie: the plot was laughable.  The idea that the main character could use scents the way he did throughout the movie was ridiculous.  The cannibalism and orgy sequences were particularly unbelievable.



What kind of movies do you like the most?

8)     I like all styles and genres of movies, except for horror movies.  That style of movie is too unrealistic and focused on the titillating entertainment value of gore and violence.  I prefer other movie styles more, with historical dramas being one of my favorites.  I particularly enjoyed Braveheart.



What is your favorite movie?

9)     My favorite movie is Braveheart.  I liked the main character’s motivation: his life was a fight for freedom.  Even though we have freedom, or perhaps because we do, we don’t realize how import!!!ant it is. Additionally, the movie was based on real events and people in history, making his story particularly compelling.



What do you usually do in your free time?

10)  In my free time, I enjoy going to museums and art galleries.  Last month I went to the National Museum with my family.  It was fun, but also difficult.  It was the first time we’d taken my infant daughter out, and she took a lot of my time, energy, and focus.  My wife wanted to see everything, but I had to care for my baby and she kept me very busy.  By the end of the day, my back was aching.



What kind of activities do you like to do with your family?

11)  I like to help my wife clean around the house.  I usually help by vacuum cleaning and mopping.  I also like to give my son and infant daughter a bath.



What kind of books do you like to read?

12)  I like reading books about history.  I have no favorite author, but enjoy reading about certain time periods.  I spend a lot of time reading about ancient Rome.  I find the historical figures and events fascinating.



What kind of music do you like?

13)  I like all kinds of music, but really enjoy love ballads and sad songs.  I can’t keep track of the artists (I actually can’t think of any right now), but I know the songs and melodies I like.



What is the most favorite nation you have visited?

14)  Austria was my favorite country to visit.  I went to Salzburg, the city where The Sound of Music was filmed.  I visited everywhere I could find where scenes had been shot.  All the people, from toddlers to old men, were formally dressed in suits and ties.  There was also an opera group singing in the city square, providing a free show. 



What do you like to do during your vacation?

15)   On my vacations, I usually stay at home or visit my parents’ house.  They live right next to a huge river, and I enjoy fishing and swimming there.  Spending a few days there rejuvenates me so I’m ready and eager to get back to work.
