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[Toeic] 분사 관련 표현 정리

by dootiger 2014. 1. 24.

1. 기출 분사 관련 표현

updated manual

 개정된 책자 ,설명서

written contract

 서면 계약서

broken mirror  

 깨진 거울

proposed merger  

 제안된 합병

ignored recommendation

 무시된 권고

repeated absenteeism  

 잦은 결석

revised procedures  

 개정된 절차들

existing equipment  

 ** 현존 장비

purchased products

 구입된 물건들

newly purchased computer equipment 

새롭게 구입된 컴퓨터 장비

unlimited mileage /access  

 무제한 마일리지 /접근

limited  time / warranty capacity

 제한된 시간 /보증서 수용력

prohibited area

 금지된 지역

missing luggage

/ artifact

 ** 분실한 수하물

 / 문화 유물

attached schedule 

 첨부된 스케줄

leading company  

 선도하는 회사

required tax documents


 필요한 세금문서들


confirmed reservation  

 확인된 예약

opposing point of view  

 대립되는 의견

customized products

 고객구미에 맞춘 제품들 ,


designated place / ports

 지정된 장소항구들

culminating event  

** 절정에 이르는 행사

screened company

 선별된 회사

accompanying document  

 첨부한 문서

the enclosed confidential survey  

동봉된 기밀 조사서

damaged luggage  

 손상된 수하물

finished product  

  / architectural plan 


 / 완성된 건축 도면

the unexpected outcomes

기대하지 않은 결과

the proposed highway construction

제안된 고속도로 건설

the preferred means of transportation 

선호하는 교통수단

a very dedicated

 and talented team of researchers  

매우 헌신적이고

 재능있는 연구원팀

unused vacation time

사용하지 않은 휴가시간

surrounding area  


handcrafted pieces


demanding  supervisor/ rules

 까다로운 상사 /규칙

discounted price

 할인된 가격

polluted air

 오염된 공기

identifying details

 식별할  있는

growing traffic/ concern  

** 늘어나는 교통 /염려

extended hour


specified weekday hours 

명시된 평일 영업시간

prolonged exposure

 장기화된 노출

deteriorating condition

** 나빠지는 상태 

presiding officer

** 사회자 

promising staff

 유망한 직원

contributing writer


predicted cost increases

 예상되는 비용인상

practicing doctor


anticipated cost reports

 예상되는 비용 보고서

rewarding job

 보람이 되는 

Relaxed atmosphere

 편안한 분위기

challenging job /project


diversified   products

/ line of machinery 

 다양화된 제품

  / 기계류

a more detailed conference schedule

  세밀한 회의 스케줄  

demonstrated ability

 입증된 능력

organized activities

 조직적인 활동

rising costs

** 증가하는 비용 

striking agreement

두드러진 합의/일치

growing  concern

** 늘어나는 걱정

increasing demand

** 늘어나는 요구

lasting impression

** 지속적인 인상 

continuing increase

** 계속되는 증가

mounting pressure

** 늘어나는 압력

expanding project

** 확장하는 프로젝트

2. 감정동사들의 분사형 * ~ing 형과 ~ed 형으로 변화된다.


 amaze => amazing / amazed 

 amuse => amusing / amused  

 aspire => aspiring / aspired  갈망하다

 bewilder => bewildering / bewildered 당황하게 하다 

 bore => boring / bored 

 challenge => challenging / challenged

 confuse => confusing / confused  

 convince => convincing / convinced 

 depress => depressing / depressed 

 disturb => disturbing / disturbed  불안하게 하다

 disappoint =>disappointing / disappointed  

 discourage => discouraging / discouraged 

 embarrass =>embarrassing / embarrassed 

 encourage => encouraging / encouraged 

 excite => exciting / excited 

 exhaust => exhausting / exhausted  

 fascinate => fascinating / fascinated  매료시키다

 frighten => frightening / frightened 

 frustrate => frustrating / frustrated 

 interest => interesting / interested 

 please => pleased / pleasing 

 satisfy =>  satisfying / satisfied 

 shock => shocking / shocked  

 surprise => surprising / surprised 

 tire => tiring / tired  

 worry => worrying / worried 


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